#Suicide #Survival

This post by The Bipolar Bum looks at why people decide to take their own life as a side effect of depression.
Self-harm or suicide can be such an unfathomable concept to people who do not live with mental illness. Sometimes you can no longer control your thoughts and nothing seems to make sense.
I would strongly recommend reading this no matter how much, or little you know about depression and suicide. Awareness can save lives.

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help. A list of international suicide hotlines are provided at the end of this post.

One thought on “#Suicide #Survival

  1. Hey there,

    Firstly thanks very much for the support and for reblogging. That post seems to get a fair amount of attention and has been the post most-read because of search engines, apparently. It just shows you how serious an issue it is I guess.

    Thanks again!
    All the best,

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